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Lodge of Akrasia

Lodge of Akrasia digital artwork by Ommery De Zutter depicting the concept of Akrasia in contemporary art.

Exploring Akrasia through digital art: a philosophical journey

Akrasia is defined by Aristotle and Socrates as the state of acting against your better judgment. When you do one thing even when you know you should be doing something else.






200 x 160cm

Abstract representation of the human mind in digital form, exploring boundaries and thought processes.
Belgian digital artwork focusing on the philosophical concept of Akrasia by Ommery De Zutter.

The human mind going against its own boundaries and thought processes. Or is it the mind going against preformed knowledge trying out a pathway into undiscovered territory?

Artificial intelligence-generated art piece, part of the Lodge of Akrasia series by Ommery De Zutter.

Delight's Aphasia

Abstract digital artwork exploring themes of thought and communication in contemporary art, featuring a fusion of traditional and AI-generated elements.